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'Tis the season'…to start holiday tipping!!!

'Tis the season…to start holiday tipping!!!

Brick Underground puts together an amazing annual holiday tipping guide and we have highlighted the main portions.


Do I have to tip?

No. Tipping the staff during the holidays is a custom, not a requirement, but you’ll be in the minority if you don't. Many building staffers tell us they treat non-tippers the same as tippers.


How much should I tip building staff?

The precise amount depends on the size of your building (the larger the staff, the smaller the individual tips), quality of service, staff seniority, length of time you’ve lived there, whether you own or rent (more on that below), personal chemistry, your financial circumstances, and whether you're frugal, generous, or somewhere in between.


Here's a general framework, for you to use as you see fit:

  • Super, resident manager: $150-$300 on average; $100-$500 broad range

  • Doorman and/or concierge (the latter handles more personal requests, like lining up an emergency dog-walker): $75-$200 on average; $50-$1,000 broad range

  • Porter, handyman, and maintenance staff: $25-$50 on average; $20-$100 broad range

  • Garage attendant: $25-$75 on average; $20-$100 broad range


2022 was a tough year because of inflation. Should I give a little extra?

There’s no question that it will be appreciated, especially because inflation hit a 40-year high this summer, increasing prices for groceries, gas and rent.

If you needed more services this year, you really should bump up your tip. Concerned that you'll lock yourself into a higher amount for the future? Include a note that references your appreciation for something specific that the staff helped you with—and say you wanted to recognize how they went above and beyond their usual duties. That should make it clear that your intention is to offer a bonus and not a raise.


Should I tip the new doorman the same as the one who’s been here 20 years?

Newer doormen in their first few years of service often receive smaller tips. For instance, a first-year doorman may collect half of what a senior doorman does.


Is it ok to tip my favorite doorman more than the rest?

It’s ok to play favorites, like tipping some doormen better than others depending on how useful they are to you. Just try to keep everyone’s tip within the range of acceptability.


Should the amount I tip correspond to the rent I pay, or to how many people live in my apartment?

Tipping is (theoretically) about rewarding service, not about how big your apartment is or how much you pay for it. If you’re a family that enlists a lot of help at the door corralling kids and helping with your stroller, or someone who works from home and receives a lot of deliveries or visitors, you probably get more assistance from the staff than a single person who travels a lot for work and doesn't place many online orders, so tip accordingly.


Are renters expected to tip as much as owners? 

Renters, as a group, tend to tip less than condo and co-op owners. 


How much should I tip non-building workers?

  • Cleaning person/housekeeper: One to two weeks of pay.

  • Cleaning service: Tip 15-20 percent throughout the year, as a portion of their earnings goes to the cleaning service. If the same crew cleans your apartment each time, a holiday tip (one week's pay) is appreciated.

  • Full-time nanny: One week's pay minimum, or two if you can afford it. Or, one week's pay and one week of vacation.

  • Regular babysitter hired occasionally: Consider $25-$50 in cash or a gift card

  • Regular dog walker: One week's pay

  • UPS delivery: Since UPS assigns drivers to specific addresses, $25-$50 if you have a lot of packages delivered. More if you have a lot of business-related deliveries. 

  • Mail carrier: By law, mail carriers can't accept cash or anything worth more than $20. In reality, some (but by no means most) residents do tip in the $25-$50 range, especially if they receive a lot of deliveries or a lot of mail that requires signatures. 



When is the best time to give a holiday tip?


Many doormen tell us that the beginning of December is better because it helps with their own holiday shopping.


You can read more here


Building staff have taken on so many new responsibilities since Covid. This is the time to show our gratitude. Our team is here to help if you have any questions. Happy Holidays!!! 





Warm regards,

Stacey Froelich

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